Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Recycling - リサイクル

Recycling is probably the first thing people think of when they hear about global warming and want to do something to make a difference. This is good. "Recycling" can make a huge difference in the quality of our lives . Please bear in mind, though, that there is much more that you can do than just recycle.
What, exactly is recycling? Wikipedia defines it as “the reprocessing of materials into new products.” Simple enough, right? And it is, if we all do it. An easy way to remember the guidelines of recycling are to follow the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. To begin with, it’s important to minimize your garbage by choosing products with minimal packaging, composting, and being a conscious consumer. It’s also a good idea to reuse items as much as possible. One good rule of thumb is to try to reuse everything at least once before turning it into recycling. For instance, use the plastic bag you brought your groceries home in as storage in the refrigerator before you recycle it. Or see if you can’t find a use for that glass bottle in some way and many more.
Check in with the Earth 911 website which has a locator page. All you have to do is put your state and zip code in and it will connect you with the information you need to find the nearest recycling group that can help you.



another great post of yours. I must admit that I'm not good at recycling but I'm learning :)

Midori みどり

thanks! I'm learning everyday to do better in being green as well ........let's do it together!


interesting article. great job!

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