Be a Green Commuter - グリーン通勤をして
The automobile is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to global warming, and no longer can we afford to continue the same driving habits that we’ve always had. It’s simply not good for the planet.
How you drive really can make a difference. For starters, slow down. You might not have realized that exceeding the speed limit by even five miles per hour can result in a decrease in fuel efficiency of six percent. And, really, is that extra speed going to really get you there that much faster? How many times have you sped around a slow car on a city street only to have it catch up with you at the next stop light? As a side benefit, your stress level will be way lower.
Another bad driving style is aggressive driving.Aggressive driving is fast stops and starts, and it can be an enormous drain on your gas tank. It can lower your gas mileage by 33% on the highway and by five percent in town. We already know that driving aggressively is bad for the emotional health of you and others, so add the environment to the list. Wouldn’t it be nice to actually enjoy the drive to work and home again instead of dashing about and making screeching stops?
If you are going on a road trip, travel light. For every extra 100 pounds the car carries, it reduces the fuel economy by two per cent. Also remove car carriers and bike racks when they are not in use. That will cut down wind drag and in turn boost your fuel efficiency.
These are only a little part of being a green commuter.Why don't we just strat from here?Enjoy your ride!
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