Monday, August 22, 2011

News l Organic Farming at North East region of India

North East region of India is known for its Organic Farming techniques. North East is rich in horticulture and floriculture with a rich variety of medicinal plants grown there along with various fruits and vegetables.

An analysis of NSSO survey data on cultivation practices shows that the North-East hill states have retained traditional practices and show an inclination towards organic agriculture that is harnessed for the development of the region with ecological benefits. Use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture enhances yields but also undermines the quality of life through possible contamination of soil, water and air and even the final products that retain their residues. Such activities in hilly regions can have external effects on other regions as well.

The region has remarkable advantages of fertile and organically rich soils, ample rainfall and water resources, river valleys, swamps and streams and great climatic diversity supporting diverse cropping possibilities. Cultivation is based on organic manure and is acompanied to a significant extent with use of improved seeds. It is interesting to note that wastes via manure and the waste generation process through animal feed and vegetal wastes are used.

North East region is so into Organic farming that one would not come across a single fertilizer shop there. Thus the Pineapple coming from this region is free of any chemical residue and is thus termed as an ORGANIC Fruit Product.

In organic farming, no chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used. Normally farmers use urea to increase the weight of the pineapple, which is not used in organic farming. Because the crops cannot be treated (dipping) with insecticides/ fungicides on organic pineapple plantations, the farmer is forced to pay particular attention to the quality and origin of the shoots (diseases that can be transmitted from crop to crop). This is especially the case for shoots that have been bought. In principle, it is recommended to use shoots from the plantation itself and to work very carefully.

In the majority of organic plantations, local varieties are planted together with other crops either in agro forestry or mixed crop systems. Examples exist where Pineapples are planted as a rotation-fruit with green fallow land and other crops. The farming plan will depend upon which cultivation form is adopted (agro forestry system, mixed crops as a bottom culture, crop-rotation etc.). A pineapple monoculture is not permitted in organic farming systems. To prepare the land used for pineapple production green manuring plants like e.g. Vigna unguiculata, Crotolaria juncea or Mucuna capitata can be sowed prior to the pineapples


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