Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Water Supply - 水の供給


We had just experienced an unforgettable 10 hours without water supply at our residence area! And you know what? My kids said they rather have no electricity supply than water supply! Because they truly had some very difficult time.When we heard the sound of the pressure caused by the water from the tap , we actually cheered up in unison !

We had to have our lunch and dinner at restaurant which needed to travel quit far from our place. And it was the normally school - work Tuesday which many schedule needed to follow. We cant flashed the toilet after using , this might be the worst for my kids.And many more other inconvenient suddenly ahead of us and disturb the normally life.

But out of all,this was the best moment for me to tell my children how important the water is ! They sure will personally feel how hard it is to survive without water supply. And hopefully they will not take everything for granted and be more aware with their day to day life.Besides,clean water is our very precious and valuable resource on earth!



congratulations for making a positive lesson from a negative situation, and congratulations on your excellent English! I am full of admiration as I can only write in one language.


I totally agree with your kids - having no electricity is much better than having no water!

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