Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Piano | Restoration Plan: To Bring The Beauty Of Old Back To Life

"Many great old pianos are still plenty of life left in them, but just a little 'love is poured over them. Piano restoration is the best example of this love, even a grand piano with a hundred years loads scratches and chains of death can be made to produce the notes and tones of imposing a time when it was made recently.
But exactly how this process of restoration of ancient beauty go?

1. Distribution
How like a doctor diagnoses a patient before proceeding with treatment, while specialists to check the status of a piano before focusing their efforts on specific elements that need more attention?
The first step, then the restoration plan is to take the piano, the string height to finish the original samples to serve as a reference for the final process. This will not only help solve the problems of the piano, but also serve to guide the restoration team to make the right decisions to restore the piano to its original splendor.

2. The Belly
The belly is a piano, where sound bounces and impacts to produce the distinctive sound that only a good piano can do.
As such, piano restoration teams often refer to the belly as a 'soul' of the piano. All internal strings iron frame for the piano soundboard and ribs have a fundamental effect on the overall sound, and trained professionals know the ins and outs of a structure of the stomach '.

3. Keys
The piano keys are what connects a pianist at the piano, which allows him to create music in the first place.
Wood, metal and felt everyone should be in perfect condition for a piano key to get the perfect print for sensitive fingers of a pianist. Specialists then look for signs of corrosion or deterioration Key and treated appropriately to the function keys as good news .

4. Action
If the connect button on the piano by pianist and belly refines its product in musical notes, then the action is part of a piano creates the first sound.
Hammers, Shanks and flanges are the action, and they are another essential element of a grand piano wheels. Corrosion and degradation of the main problems that must be addressed, but it is also the problem of regulation. Both the use and negligence can lead to missed spikes here and there, and a specialist trained to properly handle these problems.

5. The arrival
Of course, a grand piano former can never be a true work of art without restoring the finish.
Restoration Plan, and not only meets the operational problems of a piano, but also involves the restoration of the arrival of bringing life to a piano. Grain filling to paint the wood color to match the desired shade, the last step in the recovery process, not only revive a piano, but bring a sense of pride beaming piano owner.


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